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Odor Inquiry
First Name
Last Name
Have you experienced cannabis odor by our farm?
I have an inquiry but have not smelled cannabis odors
I smelled a mild cannabis odor beifly
I smelled a strong cannabis odor briefly
I smelled a mild cannabis odor consistently
I smelled a strong cannabis odor consistently
Please tell us about your inquiry. If you think you're smelling cannabis odors from our farm then please offer us your most detailed description of where you were and when you experienced these odors and any helpful information, such as weather conditions. This will help our team of professionals to determine an odor source an improve our systems to better mitigate cannabis odor in our community.
Do you have any further information that you think may be useful towards imporving our odor mitigation systems or protocols for our community?
May PGO contact you regarding this inquiry? If so, how would you prefer to be reached?
Phone call
Text Message
I do not wish to be contacted
Submit Review
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